AmigaOS3.5 (762/967)

From:Bent Ole Hagel�kken
Date:23 May 2000 at 12:05:15
Subject:Re: Network printing

Jonas Thorell wrote:
> wrote:
> >Try to find an lpd-server for Windows NT e.g.
> >mlpd (e.g. on to enable this service on your Windows NT
> >machine.
> Silly programmers in the Windows-world...Windows NT has a lpd-server
> shipped as standard. Why should I pay for another one??

Because the stuff that comes with NT usually doesn't work very well..???
Just a thought.. ;)

> >The other way would be to connect the printer to the Amiga and to use
> >Samba on the Amiga-side. this works also fine.

Or; Siamese ( - with this ARexx-script called
"Samba Print Spooler";
(Needs Samba)

Or; lpd for the Amiga - from Aminet;
(I haven't tried this myself)

> That would also be an idea. The NT-machine is working 24h a day
> though (servers tend to do that...) and that's why I want it to
> work as the print-server too.

Yeah. Servers tend to do that, but you seem to confuse "servers" with
"NT-boxes" here... ;-P

> Ah well, I figure out why it's not working one day.

I've got a suggestion to what you can do... But you probably don't want
to hear it anyway... ;)

Bent Ole Hagel�kken
Telenor Internett Kundeservice

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